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Call For Papers

We will be accepting submissions for papers, posters, and presentations via EasyChair

Deadline for submission is March 6, 2024. If accepted, you will be notified no later than March 20, 2024.

Posters will be printed by Virginia Tech, please format your posters to 36"Hx48"W.

Papers – Instructions for Authors

Papers contain mature research, with the results of completed experiments in the topic areas identified above. All paper submissions (in the Portable Document Format, *.pdf) should be submitted using the EasyChair System at  

With regards to formatting, authors must use the IEEE manuscript template for conference proceedings, available at

Documents must be in English, and not longer than 12 pages, including images and bibliography. Papers must not be duplications of previous work and must not be under simultaneous publication review elsewhere. Papers will be double-blind reviewed (i.e., the authors will not know who the reviewers are, and the reviewers will not know who the authors are). Therefore, in the manuscript submitted for review, authors MUST remove names and/or affiliations and anonymize content that would otherwise reveal their identity. The third person should be used to refer to previous work (e.g., "Dough and Nordmann [3] state…" instead of "in prior work, we identified [3]…"). At least one of the authors must present their research in person at the conference. 

Posters – Instructions for Authors

Posters are an opportunity to share in-progress/preliminary research efforts and solicit feedback from conference attendees. All submissions for poster presentations require a brief (i.e., around 500 words) written submission using the EasyChair System at describing the poster. These undergo a light review to ensure relevancy to the conference. 

Accepted posters will be printed by Virginia Tech, please format your posters to 36"Hx48"W.

Presentations – Instructions for Authors

Presentations provide opportunities to share ideas, experiences, and projects with attendees during the main track of the conference. All submissions for presentations require a brief (i.e., around 300 words) written submission using the EasyChair System at describing the presentation. These undergo a light review to ensure relevancy to the conference. Speakers will have 15 minutes to present, and 5 minutes for questions from conference attendees.

Contact Information: For questions, please email: