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Central Intelligence Agency Information Session

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Location: Virginia Tech Blacksburg Campus (Details released upon registration)

Registration closes September 24, 2021.

About the event

You’ve heard about the CIA, but have you ever considered working in it? Have you wondered what the CIA really does or considered whether or not your background, academic track, or skill set might be of interest to them? This information session is your opportunity to gain answers to all of these questions and more. It is being delivered by current CIA Officer who will give you an overview, including the CIA’s mission and structure, information about the extensive career opportunities, and provide a quick look into the benefits and application process. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.

To register Information Session or to learn about other opportunities to connect with the CIA Recruiter, call the Career Center at 540-231-3997 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. by September 24th.

This is your opportunity to begin connecting with CIA ‘s Virginia Tech Recruiter, so bring your resume. The Agency hires all academic majors and has extensive student opportunities, to include scholarships!

All positions require US citizenship.