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Hume Seminar Series: Day in the Life - Intelligence Analyst at National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC)

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Date: Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022

Time: 5:00PM

Location: Virtual via ZOOM (Link will be provided upon registration)

Open to students, faculty, and alumni from Virginia Tech and all other IC CAE institutions and CCI affiliations.

About the Speaker

Andrew Malstrom was born and raised in Richmond Virginia. He attended Virginia Tech from ’92 to ’95 before transferring to Virginia Commonwealth University and receiving his degree in Mass Communications/Advertising in ‘97. In 1998, he joined the US Army as a Signals Intelligence Analyst and deployed to Iraq in 2003 and 2005 where he conducted Human Intelligence operations. After completing his military contract, Malstrom entered the contracting sector in Fort Hood as a HUMINT trainer before moving to Charlottesville and working for the Department of Defense as a Biometrics analyst (now known as Identity Intelligence). In 2014, he transferred to Fort Belvoir for two years as a Red Cell/Open-Source analyst before returning to Charlottesville in 2016 where he completed his second deployment to Bagram supporting the Afghanistan courts with biometric criminal packets. In 2017, Malstrom moved to the Middle East branch to research Shia Militia Groups in Iraq. In June 2021, Malstrom became a Department of Defense civilian and is currently working on the ISIS/ISIL portfolio.